Tourism, culture and nature

Nature and culture are the tourist attractions of the town. Alt Àneu has a large number of forests and natural areas of great beauty such as the fir trees of the Mata de València, the Gerdar de Sorpe and other areas that are part of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park; the Aigüestortes National Park and Sant Maurici Lake, or a rosary of high mountain lakes.

This environment is a paradise for sports and nature lovers. In winter, you can enjoy the exceptional ski slopes of Baqueira-Beret-Bonaigua; in spring and autumn you can enjoy the overwhelmingly colorful landscape that invites you to take a stroll; and during summer you can enjoy adventure sports and high mountain hiking.

Alt Àneu also has a unique heritage value: Romanesque routes, with the churches of Son, Sorpe, Isil, València, Alós, Àrreu, Borén and Isavarre; also the Castle of València d’Àneu, old fortification of the counts of Pallars in Àneu. Also noteworthy is the Isil Fallas festival, the first festival declared to be of national interest in the lands of Lleida and intangible heritage declared by UNESCO, as well as the Alós and València d’Àneu Fallas; the Casa de l’Ós in Isil; the Dansàneu, the Pyrenees Culture Festival; and the route of the Spaces of Memory that follows the graves of the victims of the civil war who have been dignified, among many others.

Enllaços destacats

Associació Cineasta Curtàneu

Associació Cultural d’Alós

Associació Falles d’Isil

Associació Falles de València

Consell Cultural de les Valls d’Àneu

Centre de Documentació dels Pirineus

Ecomuseu de les Valls d’Àneu

Consorci de Turisme Valls d’Àneu

Parc nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici

Casa de l’Os Bru dels Pirineus a Isil

Monnatura Pirineus

Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu

Reserva Nacional de Caça de l’Alt Pallars

Festes Majors i Celebracions


  • Summer Festival: Weekend closest to August 27, Sant Lliser
  • Falles d’Alós: First Saturday in July


  • Aplec of the Mare de Déu de les Neus: August 5


  • Summer Festival: Third weekend in August


  • Summer Festival: August 10


  • Summer Festival: June 23 and 24
  • Isil’s Falles: June 23
  • San Sebastià Festival: January 20th
  • Ascent to Port de Salau: first Sunday in August
  • Foc de neu, snowshoeing: late February


  • Summer Festival: first weekend in August


  • Summer Festival: August 15
  • Festa Major Vella, Festa del Roser: first weekend in October
  • Aplec of the Mare de Déu de les Ares: First Sunday in June

València d’Àneu

  • Festa Major vella Sant Andreu: November 30
  • Summer Festival: Saint of the Lost Virgins September 8
  • Fallas de València: last Saturday of June

Celebracions comunitàries

DANSANEU. Pyrenees Cultures Festival

The Dansàneu , also known as the Pyrenees Festival of Cultures, is a Catalan music, dance and heritage event that brings together the popular and traditional cultures of the Catalan Pyrenees. It is organized and owned by the Cultural Council of the Valls d’Àneu, which aims to develop and promote the cultural heritage of this territory since the 1980s. It is held for a week in late July and early August.

CURTANEU. International Short Film Festival in the Valls d’Àneu

CurtÀneu is part of Catalunya Film Festivals, the coordinator of festivals in Catalonia. It is an event deeply rooted in the territory that makes quality cinema accessible to the Valls d’Àneu and its inhabitants through a selection of short films recognized in major competitions around the world. The short films are of a very varied subject: fiction, animation, documentary, sports cinema, nature, environment, experimental, rural, and also produced by local filmmakers. The festival is an agent of cultural, social and economic dynamism of the Valls d’Àneu. The festival is usually celebrated during the month of November.

Santa Teresa agro-livestock fair

On Saturday it is aimed at the beef sector, with an auction of brown Pyrenees breed and an exhibition in a morphology competition. On Sunday, the protagonists are the Catalan Pyrenean breed horses, with a breed competition, tasting and a raffle. It is celebrated on the weekend closest to October 15, the St. Teresa fair.


Mountain race that is carried out, for the most part, by traditional paths (horseshoe, cart and trails) and villages in the Àneu valleys. The Valls d’Àneu race has different routes and difficulties: the UTVA, Ultra Trail Valls d’Àneu with 92 km and 7,500 meters of positive slope (Race of the calendar of the Catalan Cup of ultra-resistance races of the FEEC) and, the CRVA, Valls d’Àneu Endurance Race with 45 km and 3,000 meters of positive slope (FEEC Endurance Race League Race). It is usually held on a weekend in July.

© 2025 Ajuntament de l'Alt Àneu
Av. del Port de la Bonaigua, 9, València d'Àneu - 25587 | 973 626 038 FAX 973 626 341 |